Celebrating Classical Music Month: A Month of Melodies- History, Significance, Quotes and Celebration

Classical Music Month is the month for everyone who loves, listens to, plays, and makes Music. And, September is the month dedicated to this great genre of music. We all can celebrate this day because there is no hard and fast rule to celebrate this event in a particular manner or way.

If you close your eyes in a peaceful place, pin-drop silence, you’ll still hear some particular vibrations or sounds even after closing your ears. Those sounds are very pure and natural and come from the universe. Basically, I meant to say that music is found everywhere.

If you start noticing every small thing in this world, you’ll also feel some kind of music over there. Music is not just bound in beats and rhythm, it’s beyond that. Over time, music has evolved a lot. What we listen to today is the Bi-product of Classic Music.

Each era in classical music has its own distinctive style of musical creation. Classic music is undoubtedly distinct from contemporary music since it places a greater emphasis on orchestral melody. However, modern music as we know it today would not exist without its impact.

History of Classical Music Month

President Bill Clinton established September as Classical Music Month in 1994, and it has been celebrated every September since then. He declared in his statement “Classic music is a celebration of artistic brilliance. We celebrate the many outstanding composers, conductors, and musicians who make music available to us this month. In our world, music has the power to bridge enormous cultural and geographic gaps and bring people together”.

With the help of music, we can express our feeling, and emotions and touch our hearts easily, which other art forms can’t. Music differs in different parts of the world. Every country has its own distinctive culture and music.

classical Music Month

Although, the foundation and basics of classical music are the same in every part of the world. In Music, there are 7 natural notes everywhere in this universe, but the names of the notes differ from region to region. Every music has its own taste, feeling, and emotions.

It differs from person to person, whether a piece of music is good or bad. In the past, there were many legendary musicians who gifted us with this beautiful month of classical music month. This broad genre uses a variety of instruments to play a single melody, creating a stunning sound that has persevered through the ages.

In order to protect the musical legacies of great performers and teach this genre to new listeners, it is crucial to observe this month of Music. Rock, jazz, and country music all draw their roots and inspiration from classical music in some way.

Timeline of Music Month

1150–1400 – Medieval Music– Flute and other string instruments are used to make music.
1400–1600 – The Renaissance– A more choral type of music began to take center stage.

1770 – Beethoven’s Reign– Ludwig Van Beethoven composes “Sonatina In F Major.”
1877 – The Swan Lake– One of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky’s most well-known musical compositions is written for “The Swan Lake.”

Quotes on Classical Music by Famous Personalities

“If Music is a Place — then Jazz is the City, Folk is the Wilderness, Rock is the Road, Classic is a Temple.”― Vera Nazarian

“I was fairly poor but most of my money went for wine and classic music. I loved to mix the two together.”― Charles Bukowski

“Now that rock is turning 50, it’s become classical itself. It’s interesting to see that development.”― Björk

“Sometimes, when inspiration runs dry, I drink classic music until my words spill out.”― Kamand Kojouri

“Listening to classic music is like reading philosophy books, not everybody has to do it. Music is not for everybody.”― Krzysztof Penderecki

“That music can connect us. There is joy in the world.”― Agnes Laurens

“The power of classic music turns my words into the fire.”― Adrienne Posey

“Classic music is like the morning sunshine.”― Adrienne Posey

“Like hearing strains of classic music from a neighbor’s open window: an unshakeable sweetness dancing beneath the everyday noise.”― Margaux Deroux

Most Frequently Asked Questions

Q. When is classical music Month?

Ans: September

Q. Who was the father of classical music?

Ans: Johann Sebastian Bach is regarded as the father of classical music and is credited with more than 1,100 pieces.

Q. What are the five periods of classical music?

Ans: The five periods of classical music are divided into:
1. Medieval
2. Renaissance
3. Baroque
4. Classical
5. Romantic

Q. What is an example of classical music?

Ans: “The Blue Danube” by Johann Strauss II.

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