Laura Quinn Hawk: The Multi-Talented Interior Designer, Wife, and Family Woman- Age, Career, Wiki Biography

Laura Quinn Hawk is a multi-talented individual whose life is a captivating blend of creativity and family. With a flourishing career as an interior designer and a heartwarming personal story as the wife of former NFL player A.J. Hawk, she has become a remarkable figure in her own right. Born in the heart of Columbus, Ohio, Laura’s journey is a testament to her passion for the arts, the strength of her family bonds, and her unwavering commitment to making a positive impact.

In this exploration of Laura Quinn Hawk’s life, we will delve into her background, tracing her roots to her loving family and her formative years in Ohio. We will uncover her educational journey, highlighting the pivotal moments that set her on a path of artistic excellence. Moreover, we will celebrate her impressive achievements, showcasing her versatility as an artist who seamlessly blends contemporary and traditional elements in her work. Join us on this journey as we discover the vibrant tapestry of Laura Quinn Hawk’s life and career.

Laura Quinn Hawk Wiki

Full NameLaura Quinn Hawk
Birth Year1985
Age (as of 2023)38 years old
BirthplaceColumbus, Ohio, USA
Height5’8″ (172 cm)
Weight128 pounds (58 kg)
Hair ColorBrown
Eye ColorLight brown
ParentsTyrone J. Quinn (Father) and Robin D. Quinn (Mother)
SiblingsBrady Quinn, Kelly Katherine Quinn
Marital StatusMarried
HusbandAaron James (A.J.) Hawk
ProfessionInterior designer
Net WorthEstimated at $600,000

Early Life and Education of Laura Quinn Hawk

Upbringing in Columbus, Ohio, and Family Background

Laura Quinn Hawk’s journey begins in Columbus, Ohio, where she was born and raised. She hails from a loving and close-knit family, with her parents, Tyrone J. Quinn and Robin D. Quinn, playing pivotal roles in her life. Her family’s influence, especially her father’s decision to join the Marine Corps on Veteran’s Day rather than fight in Vietnam, instilled in her a sense of dedication and purpose.

Early Education and the Birth of Artistic Passion

From a young age, Laura’s innate creativity began to shine through. It was during her early years that her passion for the arts started to take root. She was drawn to the vibrant world of colors, patterns, and artistic expression. This early interest laid the foundation for her future endeavors as an artist and designer.

laura quinn hawk

Academic Journey: Dublin Coffman High School and California State University

As Laura continued her educational journey, she attended Dublin Coffman High School, where her artistic talents began to flourish. The nurturing environment and support she received during this period helped shape her artistic vision.

After high school, Laura pursued her college degree in broadcasting at California State University, Los Angeles. Her academic pursuits not only expanded her horizons but also paved the way for a career that would merge her creative talents with her educational background.

Laura Quinn Hawk – The Artist

Creative Talents and Unique Artistic Style

Laura Quinn Hawk is a gifted artist with a flair for blending creativity and innovation. Her artistic journey has been marked by her unique style, characterized by vibrant colors, distinct patterns, and a seamless fusion of contemporary and traditional elements. Her ability to breathe life into her creations sets her apart as an artist with a truly exceptional vision.

Notable Art Projects: The “Split Jersey” Design

One of Laura’s standout achievements as an artist was the creation of the remarkable “split jersey” design for the San Francisco 49ers in 2019. This distinctive jersey featured one half adorned in the team’s iconic red and gold, while the other half showcased a striking combination of black and white. The design was met with acclaim from fans and highlighted Laura’s design prowess beyond her traditional artwork.

Interior Designer Extraordinaire: LCH Interiors

Laura Quinn Hawk’s artistic talents extend beyond traditional artwork into the realm of interior design. Her company, LCH Interiors, has enjoyed tremendous success in the world of design and consultancy. Laura’s commitment to curating opulent settings with a diverse range of features, textures, styles, and personalities has earned her a prominent place in the industry.

laura quinn hawk

A Portfolio of High-Profile Projects and Design Philosophy

Laura’s portfolio as an interior designer is a testament to her versatility and creativity. She has worked on a wide range of projects, including custom new construction and renovations. Her services cover everything from hard finish selection to furnishings and drapery, providing clients with a comprehensive design experience.

Emphasizing her design philosophy, Laura prioritizes the art of crafting spaces that not only reflect her clients’ personalities but also embody elegance and functionality. Her ability to transform spaces into personalized, luxurious sanctuaries has earned her acclaim from clients across the United States.

The Love Story – Laura and A.J. Hawk

A Chance Meeting in College

The love story of Laura and A.J. Hawk began during their college years, when fate brought them together through a mutual friend. Laura was studying broadcasting at California State University, Los Angeles, while A.J. was enrolled at Ohio State University. Their paths crossed in 2004, and from the moment they met, a connection sparked between them.

From Love to Marriage

Laura and A.J.’s bond grew stronger with each passing day. Their shared interests and the deep connection they felt quickly turned their initial friendship into a loving relationship. It didn’t take long for them to realize that they wanted to spend their lives together.

In a testament to the strength of their love, Laura and A.J. decided to take the next step in their relationship after just five months of dating. Their journey to marriage began with a civil courthouse ceremony, where they exchanged rings and vows. Several months later, they had an official wedding ceremony, sealing their commitment to one another.

Family Life and Their Children

The love between Laura and A.J. Hawk has been further enriched by their growing family. They have been blessed with four children who bring joy and warmth into their lives.

Their first child, a daughter named Lennon Noel Hawk, was born on December 4, 2010, and is now 12 years old. Their second child, a son named Hendrix Knight Hawk, was born in January 2013 and is currently ten years old.

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While their two older children are known to the public, Laura and A.J. also cherish the privacy of their two younger sons, who appear to be in primary school. Among the few details available, one of their son’s names is Axl.

Memorable Anecdotes

Laura and A.J. Hawk’s love story is not just a tale of romance but also one filled with memorable moments. One such moment was their wedding, which took place in May 2007 in Dublin, Ohio. At the time, Laura was 24 years old, and A.J., who is a year younger than her, was 23. The couple celebrated their big day when they were in their mid-20s, surrounded by family and friends.

There was also a moment of surprise when their wedding photographs became a topic of discussion online. Laura’s brother, Brady Quinn, attended the wedding dressed in a “Village People”-style attire, which created a buzz in the Internet sports community. These unique and heartwarming anecdotes add depth to their beautiful love story.

Laura Quinn Hawk’s Online Presence

Active on Social Media

Laura Quinn Hawk’s vibrant and creative personality extends to her online presence, where she actively engages with her audience. One of her primary platforms for sharing her life, work, and artistic endeavors is Instagram, where she goes by the handle “LCH Interiors.”

A Glimpse into Her Personal and Professional Life

On her Instagram page, Laura provides her followers with a window into her world, sharing both her personal and professional life. This includes snapshots of her family moments, behind-the-scenes glimpses of her interior design projects, and highlights of her artwork. Her Instagram feed is a rich tapestry of color, design, and personal moments that give followers a sense of her multifaceted life.

Follower Engagement

Laura Quinn Hawk’s Instagram page has garnered a substantial following, with a community of individuals who are captivated by her creative journey. While the exact number of followers may vary, it’s not uncommon for individuals with her level of influence to have a significant following, possibly in the thousands or more.

What sets Laura apart is not just the number of followers but the active engagement she maintains with her audience. She responds to comments, interacts with her followers through stories and posts, and often shares insights and anecdotes about her life and work. This two-way communication fosters a sense of connection and authenticity, making her Instagram page a dynamic and engaging platform for her fans and admirers.

Laura’s Impact and Net Worth

Contributions to Charity Organizations

Beyond her thriving career as an interior designer and her role as a loving wife and mother, Laura Quinn Hawk has shown a deep commitment to giving back to the community. She has made significant contributions to various charity organizations, with a particular focus on those dedicated to supporting cancer patients. Laura’s philanthropic efforts reflect her compassionate nature and a desire to make a positive impact on the lives of those in need.

Involvement in Hawk’s Locks for Kids

One of the notable ways in which Laura channels her philanthropic spirit is through her involvement in “Hawk’s Locks for Kids,” a non-profit organization. This initiative, founded in collaboration with her husband A.J. Hawk, is dedicated to helping children facing medical challenges. The organization provides support to young patients by offering wigs and hairpieces, offering them comfort and confidence during their difficult journeys. Laura’s active participation in this charitable endeavor showcases her dedication to making a difference in the lives of children and their families.

Estimated Net Worth

While exact financial details may vary, Laura Quinn Hawk has established herself as a successful and accomplished individual. Her net worth is estimated to be around $600,000. This financial success is a testament to her talent as an interior designer, her contributions to the world of art, and her dedication to her career.


In conclusion, Laura Quinn Hawk’s life is a tapestry woven with talent, passion, and love. Her remarkable journey from Columbus, Ohio, to becoming a celebrated interior designer and devoted wife and mother is a testament to her unwavering dedication and creativity.

Laura’s artistic talents showcased through her unique style and notable projects like the “split jersey” design for the San Francisco 49ers, have captivated audiences far and wide. Her versatility as both an artist and an interior designer sets her apart in the world of creative expression.

Beyond her professional achievements, Laura’s commitment to philanthropy, particularly her involvement in “Hawk’s Locks for Kids,” highlights her compassionate and giving nature. Her contributions to charity organizations, especially those supporting cancer patients, make her not only an accomplished individual but also an inspiring figure in the community.

Beyond Laura Quinn Hawk Under Famous People Listing

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