Yakir Gola: Revolutionizing Convenience Delivery with goPuff- Age, Family, Career, networth, Interview, Wiki Biography

Yakir Gola is not your typical entrepreneur. As the co-founder and CEO of goPuff, he has redefined the way we think about convenience and on-demand delivery. In a world where time is of the essence, Gola’s brainchild, goPuff, stands as a testament to innovation and efficiency.

At the heart of goPuff’s mission is the commitment to delivering everyday essentials to your doorstep within minutes. This groundbreaking delivery service has disrupted the traditional convenience store model, making it more convenient and accessible than ever before. In this exploration of Yakir Gola’s journey, we delve into the man behind the vision and the company that’s changing the way we shop for our daily needs.

Early Life and Entrepreneurial Spirit of Yakir Gola

Yakir Gola’s journey towards entrepreneurship was shaped by the values instilled in him from an early age. As a first-generation American, he spent his formative years in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, where the seeds of his future success were sown.

At the tender age of seven, Yakir began his apprenticeship in the world of business by assisting his father in running a small jewelry business in Philadelphia. His father, an immigrant from Israel, possessed an unyielding ambition and was a self-starter in every sense. From him, Yakir learned invaluable lessons about profitability, negotiation, and building enduring relationships.

The dynamic influence of his father’s entrepreneurial spirit left an indelible mark on young Yakir Gola. It was these early experiences that fueled his desire to venture into the business world and create something exceptional. Little did he know that his humble beginnings in the family jewelry business would one day lay the foundation for a groundbreaking enterprise that would redefine convenience and transform the delivery industry.

The Birth of goPuff

Yakir Gola’s path to entrepreneurial greatness was paved with serendipity and ambition. It all began during his time at Drexel University, where destiny brought him into contact with Rafael Illishayev. This fateful meeting in a university classroom would go on to change the way countless people shop for their everyday essentials.

Rafael Ilishayev and Yakir Gola

Yakir and Rafael’s friendship and partnership were forged in the crucible of academia. As fellow students at Drexel University, pursuing degrees in Business Administration, Finance, and Legal Studies, they embarked on a journey that would lead to the creation of goPuff. Their first sparks of inspiration ignited during late-night brainstorming sessions in their university dorm room, where they dreamt of revolutionizing the way convenience was defined.

The initial concept that emerged from these dorm room conversations was simple yet revolutionary: bring the convenience store to customers’ doorsteps within minutes. In a world where time is an increasingly precious commodity, the idea resonated with the everyday struggles of people who craved a more efficient way to access their essential goods. Little did they know that their concept would blossom into a groundbreaking company that would disrupt the traditional convenience store model and redefine on-demand delivery services.

The Success Story of goPuff

What began as a dorm room dream at Drexel University has since evolved into a monumental success story that continues to captivate both consumers and investors alike. goPuff, co-founded by Yakir Gola and Rafael Illishayev, has transcended the boundaries of a typical startup, becoming a leading technology platform and the creator of the instant needs category.

From its humble beginnings, goPuff has grown exponentially, now operating in over 500 cities across the United States. Its rapid expansion is a testament to the company’s ability to meet the evolving demands of modern consumers. The company’s presence is not limited to urban centers; it extends into communities nationwide, providing a lifeline of convenience to countless individuals.

Behind this expansive network lies a dedicated team of over 4,000 employees, tirelessly working to ensure that goPuff’s promise of delivering essential goods within minutes is upheld. This commitment to efficient service has made goPuff an integral part of daily life for many, bridging the gap between immediate need and instant gratification.

One of the cornerstones of goPuff’s remarkable growth is its impressive funding history. The company has attracted substantial investments from top-tier firms, reinforcing its position as a trailblazer in the delivery industry. These strategic partnerships have not only provided the necessary capital for expansion but have also bestowed the confidence of industry leaders who recognize the transformative potential of goPuff.

Philanthropic Efforts of Yakir Gola

Yakir Gola’s journey as an entrepreneur is not just defined by business success; it is equally marked by his unwavering commitment to philanthropy and giving back to the community. His dedication to making a positive impact extends far beyond the boardroom, touching lives and creating opportunities for others.

One of the pillars of Yakir Gola’s philanthropic endeavors is his support for educational institutions. He recognizes the transformative power of education and has generously contributed to various educational initiatives. This includes close involvement with Politz Day School of Cherry Hill, NJ, and his alma mater, Drexel University, where he is closely associated with the Charles D. Close School of Entrepreneurship. His support for education extends to the establishment of scholarships aimed at nurturing and empowering young entrepreneurs.

In an effort to foster diversity and inclusivity in the entrepreneurial landscape, Yakir Gola has championed the cause of Black- and minority-founded startups. Alongside his co-founder, Rafael Illishayev, he is setting up a substantial $500,000 fund to provide much-needed support and resources to these underrepresented innovators. This initiative reflects his commitment to breaking down barriers and creating equal opportunities for all aspiring entrepreneurs.

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, goPuff, under Yakir Gola’s leadership, stepped up to support healthcare professionals and organizations on the front lines. Through the Health Care Support Initiative, the company pledged a remarkable $1 million in orders to provide essential supplies to healthcare heroes working tirelessly to combat the crisis. Additionally, goPuff partnered with the Boys & Girls Clubs, offering to match up to $1 million in donations to the organization’s COVID-19 Relief Funds, further demonstrating the company’s dedication to community well-being during challenging times.

Yakir Gola’s philanthropic spirit exemplifies the idea that success is not only about personal achievement but also about making a positive impact on society. His contributions to education, support for underrepresented entrepreneurs, and his compassionate response to crises like the COVID-19 pandemic highlight the depth of his commitment to creating a better, more inclusive world.

Yakir Gola’s Recognition and Awards

Yakir Gola and goPuff’s exceptional contributions to the business world have not gone unnoticed, earning them a series of prestigious awards and recognitions. These accolades serve as a testament to their innovation and unwavering commitment to transforming the way we access essential goods and services.

Forbes’ “30 Under 30”: Yakir Gola and goPuff garnered recognition on Forbes’ highly coveted “30 Under 30” list, specifically in the “Retail & E-commerce” category. This prestigious honor acknowledges their significant impact on the retail industry and their visionary approach to e-commerce.

Marketer of the Year: Yakir Gola’s influence extends beyond the business realm; he has been honored as Marketer of the Year. This accolade reflects his ability to connect with consumers and effectively market goPuff’s innovative services.

CNBC Disruptor 50: Inclusion in CNBC’s annual Disruptor 50 list is a testament to goPuff’s disruptive potential. The company’s revolutionary approach to on-demand delivery services has made it one of the companies revolutionizing the economy.

Future Vision and Innovation

Yakir Gola’s vision for goPuff transcends the present success of the company; it’s a visionary outlook that seeks to redefine the very landscape of convenience. His commitment to innovation and customer-centric service sets the stage for an exciting future for goPuff.

At the core of this vision is the ambition to disrupt the convenience store industry. Gola envisions a future where goPuff will not merely be a delivery service but a catalyst for change. The company is on a relentless quest to make convenience even more accessible, efficient, and enjoyable for its customers.

One of the key elements of this vision is faster delivery. Gola recognizes that time is of the essence in today’s fast-paced world. Hence, goPuff aims to further reduce delivery times, ensuring that customers receive their essential items in record time. This commitment to speed has the potential to transform the way people shop for everyday necessities.

Additionally, goPuff’s future will witness an expansion of its product range. While the company already offers a wide selection of items, the goal is to make goPuff the go-to destination for anything customers might need, further eliminating the need for traditional convenience stores. This strategic diversification reflects Gola’s commitment to meeting the diverse and evolving needs of consumers.

In his own words, Yakir Gola captures the excitement of changing an industry: “I don’t think it’s going to end there. It’s exciting to change an industry.” This statement resonates with his passion for innovation and his determination to push boundaries. Gola and goPuff are not content with the status quo; they thrive on the thrill of challenging norms and redefining the rules of the game.

Crucially, this vision is not one of fleeting success but of long-term impact. Gola understands that building a sustainable business, one that thrives over time, is the true measure of success. His commitment to goPuff’s long-term success is the driving force behind the company’s relentless pursuit of excellence and innovation.

Transcription Full Interview of Yakir Gola with Alejandro

Alejandro: Alrighty. Hello everyone, and welcome to the DealMakers show. Today we have a very exciting founder. Today, we’re going to be talking about how to make money before you raise the money because, obviously, it seems that people in the Bay Area think more about raising it rather than making it first, and now, investors are getting pickier as we go. I think today’s show is going to put a lot of perspectives. But without further ado, I’d like to welcome our guest today. Yakir Gola, welcome to the show.

Yakir Gola: Alejandro. Thank you so much for having me on your show today. I’m really excited about talking with you and sharing some lessons learned and our story here from goPuff. So thank you for having me today.

Alejandro: Born and raised in New Jersey in Cherry Hill. How was life growing up there?

Yakir Gola: Cherry Hill; I continue to have amazing memories of childhood and am a big fan of New Jersey, the home state where I grew up. It was great. I went to elementary school in Cherry Hill and middle school in Cherry Hill. I did go to high school, actually, in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. That’s where I started building a relationship with the state of Pennsylvania. Then, following that, I went to college at Drexel University and then stayed in Philadelphia. I have been working with my dad in the family jewelry business ever since I could remember growing up. So, for me, one of the main reasons to stay in Philadelphia was, that I could continue to build the family business and grow that online aspect of it that I ended up running and building throughout high school and college. I stayed close to home. I was using my car going back and forth from Cherry Hill to Philadelphia, to classes, and back, but it was a wonderful experience to grow up in Cherry Hill.

Alejandro: And here’s something that is really interesting is that you were always exposed to business before even going to school, so what kinds of takeaways did you get from seeing your family and being involved with the family business?

Yakir Gola: I have a lot of admiration for my father and for my family, in general, that came here from Israel with $20 in their pocket and grew up in below-the-line poverty in Israel and moved here with nothing. My dad got into the electronics business and then got into the jewelry business. He had some cash-for-gold stores while I was in college and also in high school, and I always worked with my dad. I remember growing up, every time he would come home, I would ask him, what was it like? What was it like that day? Did he make money? Did he not make money? Was it busy? Was it not busy? Then, ever since I was old enough, I was behind the showcase with him helping him, whether it was with jewelry sales or was helping transition the business to online. It was just a few jewelry shops, but I learned a lot, and I gained a lot of my knowledge around entrepreneurship and what it takes and the discipline and the work ethic that’s needed in order to be successful as an entrepreneur. So I think having my dad as the role model there and also other uncles starting their small business, you really learn because being a small business owner, that’s where you have to wear so many hats. You have to do everything, and no one’s going to do it for you, and you have to figure it out, and you have to use your resources wisely and get creative. I think that’s what taught me. I know also the same thing for my co-founder Rafael Ilishayev, where his family moved here from Russia. He worked in his dad’s business and his granddad’s business in having restaurants in New York and started off as a busboy. I think both of us connected in college given that experience of getting raised in a house with small business owners and entrepreneurs. I think that taught us a lot, and I think that is what enabled some of our learnings early on to success.

Alejandro: Talking about success: it’s been an incredible ride, obviously, with goPuff. But before we go into it, going to direct selling in Philadelphia was the segue into goPuff. Tell us about the experience of going into direct sales and getting together with Rafael.

Yakir Gola: I had a great experience at Drexel, and I think the best part of it, I think, was that I met Ralph, and we started goPuff together. I think, for me, one of the biggest accomplishments that I had at Drexel and in college was the networking and the people that I met. I think there’s a lot you learn in college, for sure. There’s a lot you learn in the classroom, but there’s also a lot you should be learning and utilize outside the class. That’s when I met Ralph in my freshman year in business class. We immediately connected given that we have extremely similar values, grew up – like I talked to you earlier – with parents that are both entrepreneurs, and both of us had the dream of wanting to build a big business one day. So the first company that we started in college, we started together. It was a company where we were the middlemen selling non-silver, fake jewelry to jewelry stores throughout the country. For a period of time, we were making a lot of money. For us, it was just a great experience and a great learning experience, and we had a lot of fun doing it. We took that business all the way through college and then eventually transitioned into goPuff.

Alejandro: You guys have had the idea, so how did the concept of goPuff come about?

Yakir Gola: While we were running that business, my dad had a couple of cash-for-gold stores, and I got the opportunity to work with my dad as well in those stores and learned a lot about business through that. One day in college, Ralph and I were craving some snacks, ice cream, and hookah tobacco, and it was late at night, and it was snowing outside. That was one of the main pain points that we saw – the inconvenience, the fact that it was really cold outside and that the closest store was about 20 minutes away. The closest convenience store, the closest grocery store, was 20 minutes away. This is college life. We wanted to chill. We wanted to hang out with our friends, and we didn’t want to go 20 minutes away to get what we needed. That’s when we thought there was a massive inconvenience in the space, and there was a massive opportunity to build a business around it. At the time, there was no service like goPuff, there was no delivery service. The UberEATs of the world, and the DoorDashes, and all of that wasn’t available, but there was Amazon Prime. So for us, we saw the opportunity in the market. We started doing a ton of research. We had never done a delivery business before. We had never built a delivery business before. We knew nothing about how to do it. We’re 20 years old, didn’t have the experience, but we saw the opportunity in the market, and we went all in on it.

Alejandro: Let’s talk about that because, obviously, goPuff is not like the traditional business, and at the same time, it’s very complex and hard to scale. So how did you guys go about putting together the idea and, at the same time, making the idea come to life?

Yakir Gola: There were three main steps to building goPuff. First is, we had to create a product that college students and young professionals love. Second, we had to create a business model that could scale. And third, we had to figure out the technology to enable that. First, we focused on creating a product that college students and young professionals love, and that’s what we did. We made sure we were in a market that had a lot of pain, and that was the market where people needed snacks, ice cream, hookah, condoms, and other party supplies, and we sold that on-demand in a market that had a lot of pain – college campuses where people are craving these products late at night when the stores are closed and they don’t want to go 20 minutes away to get it. They want it delivered in the next 30 minutes to their door, and that’s what we did. That’s what we focused on, and we focused on creating a product that people loved. We spent a lot of time focusing on that, and we did that by only having high-quality products. We made sure that we created our own private label brand and got our own private label products, and we made sure to create our own private label brand that was high quality, and it was cheaper than the alternatives out there. Then, we also had a loyalty program that we had with our customers that helped us keep our customers loyal to the platform. The second step is we focused on the business model. A lot of people are starting delivery companies at the time, and they’re going out and delivering from existing convenience stores and existing liquor stores, and that’s not a scalable business model. You have to deal with the convenience store prices, the liquor store prices, and dealing with someone else’s inventory and their third-party delivery drivers. We didn’t want to do that, and we wanted to be able to control the customer experience from A to Z. In order to do that, we built a network of our own warehouses, and that allowed us to carry all the products that we wanted to carry, enable delivery in the next 30 minutes, have the right prices, have our own delivery drivers, and deliver in the right timeframe that we wanted to. It also allowed us to carry our own private label products as well as carry other brands that we loved, that we knew our customers loved, and we wanted to have those products available for our customers. We started building these warehouses, and we started building that network, and that was the key to scaling the business and having the business model that could work and be efficient. And then, lastly, we had to focus on the technology. We needed to build an app and a website that allowed people to order the products in the next 30 minutes. We had to build a routing system and a real-time dispatching system that allowed us to deliver in that 30-minute timeframe, and that was a big part of the technology. We also had to build out the marketplace, so we were sourcing products and having a product feed that was constantly updated so we could carry all the right products and get them into the warehouses and get them into the hands of our customers in the timeframe that they wanted. It took a lot of technology and a lot of development, and it was not easy, but that was the three steps to building goPuff and getting it to where it is today.

Alejandro: You started with a very small amount of money. Tell us about this and how you were able to get started with such a small amount.

Yakir Gola: When we started goPuff, we only had $60,000, and it wasn’t even our $60,000. It was our landlord who gave us the money. Our landlord in college at the time heard that we were starting a business and saw how hard we were working on this business. We had a lot of drive, and we had a lot of hustle, and he decided to give us $60,000. He gave us a personal loan, and we were super appreciative of him doing that because it allowed us to get started and put the pieces in place and make this business work. That $60,000 only allowed us to open up one warehouse in the beginning and get a couple of cars, and it allowed us to rent the warehouse and get going, and we knew that we had to make it work. We knew that we didn’t have a lot of money, so we had to be scrappy. We had to figure out how to get our customers in a very cost-efficient way and be able to deliver our product to our customers in a cost-efficient way as well. It allowed us to do that, and we knew that we had to get this off the ground. We knew that we had to make it work. It allowed us to start small and eventually start to build it into a big business and get it to where it is today. So, we were extremely fortunate that our landlord believed in us and gave us a shot, and we made sure to deliver on our promise, and it allowed us to open up one warehouse and get going.

Alejandro: That’s fantastic. What would you say were the biggest challenges in the early days of goPuff?

Yakir Gola: In the early days, the biggest challenge was scaling the business. It’s easy to start a business and it’s easy to get going, but in order to actually scale it and make it work, it’s extremely challenging. For us, one of the big things was building out the network and building out our warehouse network. That was extremely hard. In the beginning, we didn’t know how to build warehouses. We didn’t know how to do logistics. We didn’t know how to do delivery. We didn’t know how to do routing. We didn’t know how to build the technology to enable all of that. It was extremely hard and extremely challenging to get the right people in place and learn on the fly to be able to build that network, and that was a big challenge in the beginning. The other challenge was also building the technology. That took time. That took effort. That took a lot of late nights and early mornings to make that happen. That was another challenge. We knew we had a ton of opportunity in the market. We knew that we had a ton of opportunity in the space, and that if we built this business, it would be a big opportunity. We knew that if we built this business, we would be able to have a massive business and build something really big and really meaningful, and we knew that we had to do whatever it took to make that happen. For us, it was all about building that network and building out the technology to enable the network and be able to deliver our products to our customers in the way that we wanted to.

Alejandro: As you were scaling and obviously you got the first warehouse, and now you’re bringing in more warehouses, what were the KPIs that you guys were paying attention to in order to make sure that the business was healthy and growing?

Yakir Gola: For us, it was all about customer KPIs. We were very customer-centric. We knew that if we made our customers happy, if we delivered in the right timeframe, and we had the right product assortment, and we made sure to deliver in a quality way, we knew that we would be able to build a business around that. For us, the main KPIs were delivery time. Could we deliver in the next 30 minutes? Could we deliver the right products that our customers wanted in that timeframe? Were we able to carry the right assortment of products? And then, from a customer side, what was our customer service like? Were our customers happy with our customer service? Were they getting the product that they ordered, or were they getting replacements? Were they getting issues with their orders, or were they getting exactly what they ordered in a quality way? For us, that was the main KPI that we focused on. We knew that if we had the right customer KPIs, if we made our customers happy, then the rest would take care of itself. We knew that we had to focus on the customer experience. We knew that if we made the customers happy, that would allow us to get more customers. We knew that if we focused on customer satisfaction, that would allow us to grow and scale the business. So for us, it was all about the customer experience, and that’s what we focused on.

Alejandro: At some point, you raised money. What was the process of fundraising like?

Yakir Gola: The fundraising process was not easy. In the beginning, we didn’t raise money for the first two years. We didn’t raise money for the first two years because we didn’t think we needed it. We thought we could bootstrap it and make it work. We didn’t think we could raise money because we didn’t have the experience, and we didn’t have the background to do so. We didn’t have the network, and we didn’t know anyone in the VC space or the fundraising space. We had to figure out how to make it work, and we did that. We figured out how to build the business and bootstrap it, and we figured out how to make it work. Once we built out the network and once we were able to scale the business, we knew that we had an opportunity to raise money, and we knew that we wanted to raise money to be able to scale the business and make it a bigger business. We knew that we had to get the right investors in place who could help us do that, and we knew that we had to find the right partners to be able to do that. We started going out and trying to figure out how to raise money, and we realized that it was not easy. It took a lot of time. It took a lot of effort. We had to pitch a ton of investors. We had to go to a ton of meetings. We had to do a lot of follow-ups. We had to do a lot of work to be able to raise money. At the time, there were not a lot of delivery companies, and there were not a lot of delivery investors who were investing in delivery companies. It was extremely hard. It was extremely challenging to be able to get the money that we needed to be able to grow and scale the business. But we were able to do that, and we were able to find the right investors who believed in us and believed in the opportunity. They saw what we were building, and they knew that it was a big opportunity, and they knew that we could make it work. They saw that we were customer-centric, and they saw that we were focused on building a great customer experience, and they knew that that would allow us to get more customers and allow us to grow and scale the business. We were able to do that, and we were able to raise the money that we needed to be able to grow and scale the business.

Alejandro: How much capital have you guys raised today?

Yakir Gola: We’ve raised over a billion dollars to date.

Alejandro: Wow! Over a billion dollars, which is quite impressive. One of the things that I want to ask you about fundraising is what did you learn about the art of valuations? Because obviously, you’ve gone from zero, and now you’re talking about raising over a billion dollars. So, what can you tell us about valuations?

Yakir Gola: Valuations are always a tricky thing. It’s always a tricky thing to figure out how to value a business and how much you’re willing to give up for your business. For us, it was always about finding the right partner, finding the right investor, finding the right people who believed in us and believed in the opportunity, and finding the right people who could help us build a bigger business. That was the main focus for us – not necessarily what the valuation was or what the terms were. It was about finding the right partner and finding the right investor. In order to do that, we had to pitch a ton of investors. We had to pitch a ton of VCs. We had to pitch a ton of people to be able to find the right partner and find the right investor. We had to do a lot of work to be able to do that. But for us, it was all about finding the right partner and finding the right investor. That was the main focus for us, and that’s what allowed us to raise the money that we needed and be able to get the right people in place to be able to build a bigger business.

Alejandro: And I guess that as you were fundraising and you were going through this process, you also had to deal with rejection. How did you deal with rejection?

Yakir Gola: It’s always hard to get rejected. It’s always hard to go out and pitch your business and pitch your idea and pitch your vision and have people say no. It’s never easy to get rejected, but we knew that we had to do whatever it took to be able to get the right partner and the right investor in place. We knew that we had to do whatever it took to be able to raise the money that we needed to be able to grow and scale the business. For us, it was all about persistence. It was all about continuing to pitch, continuing to go out there, continuing to do the work, continuing to follow up, continuing to follow up, and continuing to pitch until we found the right partner and found the right investor who believed in us and believed in the opportunity. That’s what we did, and that’s what allowed us to raise the money that we needed and be able to grow and scale the business.

Alejandro: And obviously, you guys have grown this massively. Before we go into the rapid-fire round, the question here for you is, what’s the next big milestone that you’re aiming for with goPuff?

Yakir Gola: We’re extremely focused on building goPuff and continuing to expand it. Our mission is to make goPuff the most convenient and accessible on-demand convenience delivery service in the country. In order to do that, we have to continue to expand our product assortment and continue to add new categories and new products. We have to continue to expand our network and continue to expand the markets that we’re in. We have to continue to expand our technology and continue to invest in our technology to be able to enable the customer experience that we want and be able to deliver in the timeframe that we want. So we have a lot of work ahead of us. We have a lot of expansion ahead of us, and we’re excited about the future and what we have in store.

Alejandro: Very cool. For the folks that are listening, Yakir, what is the best way for them to reach out and say hi?

Yakir Gola: They can reach out to me on LinkedIn. I’m on LinkedIn, and I’m active on there. I’m also on social media, so people can reach out to me there.

Alejandro: Fantastic. Well, Yakir, thank you so much for being on the DealMakers show today.

Yakir Gola: Alejandro, thank you so much for having me. It was great talking to you.

Outro: Thank you for listening to the DealMakers Podcast. Visit us on the web at alejandrocremades.com, where you will find the best resources for entrepreneurs, on how to start, grow, and sell a business. Including a free course on how to raise capital. ♪♪♪

[End of Audio]

Here are some key takeaways from the interview:

The Founding Story: Yakir and Rafael started goPuff while they were still in college. Frustrated with the lack of late-night delivery options for snacks and other essentials, they decided to create a solution themselves.

Bootstrapping Early Days: Initially, they faced challenges due to a lack of funding and experience. They worked on goPuff without any external investment for the first two years, gradually building their network and learning about logistics.

Customer-Centric Focus: The success of goPuff was built on a strong customer-centric approach. They prioritized customer satisfaction, ensuring fast delivery times, a wide assortment of products, and a high-quality experience.

Fundraising Challenges: When they decided to raise money to scale the business, they faced numerous challenges, especially because the delivery space was less crowded at the time. However, they persevered, pitching to many investors until they found those who believed in their vision.

Valuations: Yakir emphasized that valuation wasn’t their primary focus when fundraising. Instead, they prioritized finding the right investors who shared their vision and could help them build a bigger business.

Dealing with Rejection: Rejection is part of the fundraising process. Yakir stressed the importance of persistence and continuing to pitch and follow up until finding the right investors.

Future Milestones: goPuff’s mission is to become the most convenient and accessible on-demand convenience delivery service in the U.S. They plan to achieve this by expanding their product assortment, network, markets, and technology.


In the captivating story of Yakir Gola, we find the essence of a modern-day entrepreneur who has not only redefined convenience but also demonstrated the power of ambition, innovation, and philanthropy. His journey from humble beginnings to the pinnacle of success is a testament to the boundless opportunities that await those with a vision and an unwavering commitment to their dreams.

Yakir Gola’s entrepreneurial journey is intrinsically tied to the remarkable success of goPuff. What began as a dorm room idea at Drexel University has blossomed into a transformative force in the delivery industry. Operating in over 500 cities, employing thousands of dedicated individuals, and boasting a valuation that surpasses the $10 billion mark, goPuff is not just a company; it’s a movement reshaping the way we access our everyday essentials.

Beyond the business realm, Yakir Gola’s philanthropic contributions shine brightly. From supporting educational institutions to nurturing young entrepreneurs and funding minority-founded startups, his commitment to giving back to the community reflects a profound sense of social responsibility. In times of crisis, goPuff’s initiatives to support healthcare professionals and organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic exemplify the company’s dedication to making a positive impact.

goPuff stands as a shining example of a “unicorn” startup, a rare breed that has not only reached the coveted $1 billion milestone but has surpassed it many times over. Its growth and success defy the odds, proving that a sustainable business can thrive and leave an indelible mark on the modern economy.

Beyond Yakir Gola Under Famous People Listing

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